Building the Pad for the New Water Tank

the old well house at harmony hollow

Just like everything else, the old well house at Harmony Hollow may look a little rough, but the water from the well is still very abundant! That’s an added bonus to being in a riparian ecosystem.

placing the rebar grid for the water tank cement pad at harmony hollow

Beth was getting in on the action and helping Joe build the form, and the matrix (is that the right word? substrate?) for the concrete. Anyway, Beth’s always for an outdoor challenge and to learn new skills.

making the form for the water tank cement pad at harmony hollow

It always amazes me to watch how construction in progress. So many little tricks to make sure everything is level and centered!

pouring cement for the water tank pad at harmony hollow

I also always worry about how the big trucks are going to get to the house. The entrance to the quarter-mile driveway is narrow, and to get up to the house is a steep hill. But, it must be OK because we had to do extensive work on the driveway to widen it so that emergency vehicles could pass through, if necessary.

steve, beth, and joe at harmony hollow

Of course, Steve was out there having fun and documenting the process.

leveling cement pad for water tank at harmony hollow

And there you have it. Next up, getting the tank installed, hooked up, and water up the hill to the house.

cement pad for water tank at harmony hollow
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