Harmony Hollow Thunderstorm

I miss Arizona rain. It’s been two years since the Cave Creek, which runs through the property, has run. Below is a video from July, 2021, way before we even started the major updates to the house.

We used to go up and sit on the falling down, screened-in, veranda and listen to the rain, watch the lightning, and listen to the thunder.

While we may get monsoon rains, we don’t always get thunder, so it’s always a treat. And there is nothing quite as special as the smell of rain in the desert.

The Harmony Hollow house is a high elevation point in the area and watching this now I wonder how it survived so long without being struck by lighting. We now have a scattering of lightning rods so I’ll worry less about that.

image of view from falling down veranda during a rain storm at harmony hollow

We can’t wait until we can bundle up and hear the raindrops on the roof again. Not looking forward to the rain spots on the new windows though. 

image of lori and steve in their arizona rain gear
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